Body Sculpting - FMS

Toned Dreams and Silent Struggles?

Body sculpting is a revolutionary way to achieve the body of your dreams without the need for invasive surgeries. By targeting specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, arms, thighs, or buttocks, we help define and contour your figure for a more toned and sculpted appearance.

Your body is a testament to your dedication, drive, and determination. But sometimes, certain muscle groups just don't seem to get the memo or you may simply be that person that hates the gym, you find it time consuming, you feel intimidated and lack confidence to show up in your leggings and crop top!

Whether it's the desire for a firmer core, chiselled arms, or defined calves, AliveCo. understands your goals. We offer monthly, 3 month and annual memberships to keep you coming in at a ridiculously low rate & inclusive of use of our inhouse medical grade technology, fat freezing, FMS, infrared sauna and spa treatments.

Benefits of Body Sculpting

Improved body contouring and self-confidence

Our Functional Magnetic Stimulation (aka FMS,) can help improve body contouring by targeting specific areas of the body that may be resistant to diet and exercise. This can result in a more toned and sculpted appearance, leading to increased self-confidence.

Blending aspiration with advanced tech, FMS stands as a symbol of physical empowerment. No longer reserved for the elite, but a promise for all aiming for peak physical form.

Thighs (quads), abs, glutes, biceps and the calves… not only does this build and strengthen muscles it also uses excess stored body fat as energy, burning up a chunky 350 -500calories per 30 minute session (and 30 000 contractions).

Cellulite is also reduced from the increase of blood circulation into the stubborn areas! It’s a win win!

3 times a week is highly recommended for best results.

How Does FMS Work?

FMS employs electromagnetic waves to induce powerful muscle contractions not achievable through traditional workouts.

In a standard 30 minute treatment we can target up to four muscle groups and create 30,000 contractions. Think of it as the equivalent of doing 30,000 sit ups, squats or bicep curls, but all you have to do is lie down and relax.

This is performed fully clothed and can increase 16% muscle and reduce 21% fat after 2-4 sessions.

Our clients commonly read a book, use their phone or even nap or have a nutrition consult with our Registered Nutritionist during their treatment.

  • Pros and Cons of Non-Invasive vs. Surgical Options

    When it comes to body sculpting, there are both non-invasive and surgical options available to help you achieve your desired results. Non-invasive procedures, such as CoolSculpting and Emsculpt, offer minimal discomfort and downtime compared to surgical procedures like liposuction. However, surgical options typically provide more immediate and dramatic results.

    Non-Invasive Procedures: Pros include minimal discomfort, no downtime, and natural-looking results. Cons may include multiple sessions for optimal results and less dramatic outcomes compared to surgery.

    Surgical Options: Pros include immediate and significant results, especially for larger areas of the body. Cons may include longer recovery time, potential scarring, and higher cost.

    Considerations for Choosing the Right Treatment for Your Needs

    When deciding between non-invasive and surgical body sculpting options, it's essential to consider factors such as your desired results, tolerance for downtime, budget, and overall health. Consulting with a qualified provider can help you determine the best approach for achieving your body sculpting goals.

  • Recovery Time and Downtime for Non-Invasive Body Sculpting

    One of the key advantages of non-invasive body sculpting procedures is the minimal downtime required for recovery. Unlike surgical options, which can require weeks of downtime for recovery, non-invasive procedures offer a faster and more convenient recovery process.

    Minimal downtime: Non-invasive body sculpting procedures typically require no downtime or very minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume their daily activities almost immediately.

    Faster recovery: Compared to surgical options, non-invasive procedures offer a faster recovery time, with patients able to see results within weeks rather than months.

  • Areas such as abdomen, thighs, arms, and buttocks commonly treated

    Non-invasive body sculpting procedures are designed to target specific areas of the body where patients may have stubborn fat deposits. Common areas targeted include the abdomen, thighs, arms, and buttocks. These areas are often difficult to tone through diet and exercise alone, making non-invasive procedures a popular choice for individuals looking to achieve a more sculpted appearance.

    Specific treatment options for different target areas

    Abdomen: Procedures such as CoolSculpting and SculpSure are commonly used to target excess fat in the abdominal region, helping to create a more toned and defined midsection.

    Thighs: Non-invasive treatments like SculpSure and Kybella can be used to reduce fat in the thighs, helping to slim and contour the area for a more streamlined look.

    Arms: Procedures like CoolSculpting and truSculpt Flex are effective at targeting stubborn fat in the arms, helping to create more sculpted and toned upper arms.

    Buttocks: Non-invasive treatments like Emsculpt can help to lift and tone the buttocks, enhancing overall shape and contour for a more youthful appearance.


  • Build muscle and burn fat

  • Increase metabolism

  • Injury prevention and rehab

  • Reduce lower back pain

  • Improve abdominal seperation

  • Increase circulation and lymphatic drainage

  • Improve digestion

  • Reduce bloating and water retention

Join us on this exciting journey to rediscover the joy of being alive.

At Alive Co. we recognize that each person is unique, which is why we offer complimentary body assessments during in-clinic consultations to tailor a treatment program that suits your individual needs, ensuring optimal results.